Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Rediscovered Scrooge

I've been the happiest today than I've been in a long time.

     The final hours of Thanksgiving break are coming to a close, a break which began with a crushing college deferral, contained one of the worst head colds I've ever had, and ended with a crazy work shift.  But despite all of that, I am lying cozy in my bed with my kitty at my feet listening to CHRISTMAS music! :)
     I still had a really relaxing break though.  I ate amazing food on Thanksgiving, and we even waited a few days after Thanksgiving to drag out all the Christmas stuff so that Thanksgiving could have its moment.  We decorated our front yard all over with multi-colored Christmas lights and it looks so pretty.  Maybe it's holiday spirit that I'm beginning to feel, but I'm extra happy lately.  I have even recently come to accept a different school that I feel confident that I can love as much as my once-was first-choice school.  It has the major that I'm looking for, and it's half the size of my first school.  It's a feat, and I am quite proud of myself.
     The funniest thing happened tonight.  My dad was snoozing on the couch this evening, like he does every single night.  I saw him stir and went over to him and hugged him, and then we were talking about whatever had just come on TV.  He was still kind of sleepy, and that was quite evident when out of nowhere he said to me: "You look nothing like Michael Jackson."  It was so random, and plus I'm a girl and I never once thought that I shared any sort of resemblance to Michael Jackson.  So I started cracking up and my dad started laughing too when he realized what happened.  Then he was really awake.  It was so funny.  He then was like, "I have no idea why I said that."  Neither do I, neither do I.  It's probably really only funny if you know my dad.  Anyway, that was just the cherry on top of a great day.  Now to get ready to go back to school tomorrow after a whole week's hiatus.
     Til next time...

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