Monday, November 21, 2011


     I recently started a job working at a local vet.  I love it, even more than I thought I would surprisingly.  All my life I thought I wanted to be a vet, and then as I grew older I realized that I may not want to be a vet exactly, but something close to that field.  Now since I have this job, I think I may have been right all along.  I LOVE what I do.  I admit, the bulk of my job involves walking the kennel dogs and feeding the cats and doing basic exams including toenail trims etc.  But I also work with the vet techs a lot and the vets as well.
At the end of a recent Saturday shift, we had two emergency cases.  One was a yellow lab that had been hit by a car.  The other was a dog that had eaten some crap from his owner's purse and could not digest anything.  The main vet that was working that day had to go in and do surgery on both of them, starting with the little dog that was the crap-eater.  It was the end of my shift, but the vet said that we could stay and watch if we wanted to.  I was really interested, though I knew I had the tendency to be squeamish about blood, so I wondered what the sight of intestines and other various organs would do.
     So I stayed.  I do confess that I walked across the street to get some lunch first just in case I ever felt faint, that way I'd at least have food in my stomach.  It was SO interesting, even seeing the intestines.  Even down to the precision that the doctor had as he was stitching up the incision at the end.  I did dip in and out of the surgery room because I didn't want to risk fainting but I watched a fair amount of the process. Oh, and it turns out that this little dog had ingested a granola bar wrapper, a whole almond, and an acorn.  I think he's going to be okay.
     It's really encouraging because I know that I am heading in the right direction!  If the school of my choice works out, I will be good to go.

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